StârminA Winery

Stârmina Winery
A t t h e f o r e f r o n t o f R o m a n i a n o e n o l o g y a n d g a s t r o n o m y
The multi-millenary traditions of vine-growing in the territories near the entrance of the Danube into Dacia, on the current territory of Romania, find in Crama Stârmina the opportunity to express both the perenniality and the modernization capacity of wine in this part of the world.
The state-of-the-art technology here transforms the excellent opportunities offered by nature into certain values, appreciated by today’s consumers.

The grapes from the 160 hectares cultivated at Stârmina (Mehedinți County) are grown in plantations that benefit from soils and sun exposure that are optimal for this relatively hot and dry region of Romania, but which is also influenced by the humidity and thermoregulation provided by the nearby river.
They are harvested at full fruit ripeness, carefully selected and then guided through a flow with the latest equipment available worldwide, the result of an ongoing investment program.
V a r i e t a l a n d g r a p e d i v e r s i t y
On the fertile lands near the entrance of the Danube in the ancient Dacian territory, on the current territory of Romania, Crama Stârmina manages to express, through each bottle of wine, both the perenniality and the dynamism of the wine sector in this emblematic area.

The perfect hygiene of the Stârmina winery, the physical circuits and processing temperatures – adapted to each stage of production, each grape variety and each intention of the winery’s specialists – result in wines representative for the area, the variety and the preferences of a highly segmented domestic and foreign market on different price and taste levels, which refines its qualitative requirements year after year.
The current efforts of the investors go beyond the utilitarian technological needs of production, aiming to develop the Stârmina Wine Cellar into a first point of gastronomic and oenological tourist interest for passengers of European Danube cruises.
The “Romanian way of life” will find its perfect stage here, allowing visitors to experience the knowledge and satisfaction of this part of the country.
Obviously, tourism development is also an invitation to the local public.