
L e g e n d a r y f r o m t h e f i r s t e d i t i o n

Vinarte has identified itself, since the first edition of Cabernet Sauvignon SOARE in 1999, as the winery that laid the foundations of the super-premium category in Romania. This (good) name remains permanently one of the most precious legacies of the work of the forefathers of Bolovanu (Sâmburești) and is a huge responsibility to the company’s history and to the loyalty of very demanding consumers.

SOARE is a rare wine and so it shall stay: the limited surface of the “stripped” hillside by the millenary rains of Bolovanu (why do you think it is called like that?), the stony and difficult to work soil, the old vineyard with low vintages per hectare, the selection of grapes imposed by the intention to put under this name only the best, as well as the specific weather conditions, make these wines impossible to be produced in some years.

Without any exaggeration, the SOARE red wines are among the most long-lasting selections in the winery’s possession, a fact proven by international wine critics who consistently give more than honourable marks to old vintages kept in the Vinarte wineries.

SOARE was and remains the proof that Romanian fine wines deserve to be part of a very rarefied and, for that very reason, highly valued global elite.


S o l i d w i n e s a c c e s s i b l e t o d e m a n d i n g c o n s u m e r s

Grouped under the name Prince Mircea are wines carefully created to be as expressive as possible, to clearly reflect the most important characteristics of the grape varieties from which they are produced, as well as Vinarte’s philosophy regarding the characteristics of the soil, climate and vintage year.

Each year, not only the most favourable plots of land for each variety are selected for Prince Mircea, but also those plots obtained after turning into wine and the possible ageing in 225-litre oak barrels, which ensure consistent quality from one vintage to the next and superior ageing opportunities (especially for the red wines in the range).

The available quantity of each wine included in the Prince Mircea name is clearly limited as a result of these successive selections, but it is generous enough to cover both the annual demand from a very knowledgeable public in the field and the needs of the wine cellar to always keep a number of bottles that will become “bookmarks” of the winery repertory.


T h e c a r e s s i n g t a s t e o f e x c l u s i v i t y

Delicious, a rarity in the Romanian wine landscape! Tămâioasa Roză distinguishes itself as a Gold wine in any competition: starting from the delicate and appealing colour to the aromas of rose petals and red fruits and continuing with the enveloping sweetness of the same fruits, behind which subtle notes of salted caramel appear. A fresh, invigorating wine to drink on its own or with food (cheeses, poppy cakes, fruit tarts, homemade pies or spicy, medium-spicy Asian dishes).


L a B o h è m e

Energy, joviality, creativity, boldness and good taste – these are the most important values you discover in Avenue wines, grouped in a seductive bohemian spirit.

Developed by Vinarte specialists as attractive options for those consumers eager for sensory adventures at their fingertips, Avenue wines are always ready to offer the aroma and flavour of the grapes from which they were born, immediately after opening the bottle.

The flavors of Avenue are as friendly as they are youthful – the freshness of the underlying vine fruit is sought after and enhanced by state-of-the-art winemaking procedures using the latest technology.

Avenue wines are like a friendly conversation with a loved one whose return brings you joy and with whom you can pick up where you left off, no matter how long it’s been since you last met.


" T h e e n c h a n t e d w i n e "

Produced exclusively in the particularly favourable years when the noble mold Botrytis cinerea – whose beneficial effects are impossible for human science to replicate – makes its appearance in the area, Sirena Dunării is a rarity: a dessert wine with decades of ageing potential, aromatic and luxuriant taste – exclusive complex.


T h e s p i r i t o f t h e p l a c e a n d t h e p e o p l e o f V I N A R T E

Each of the wines bearing the name of Nedeea brings together only Romanian grape varieties, shining through expressiveness, authenticity and originality as well as offering the opportunity to explore new, carefully blended flavours. Fetească Regală, Fetească Albă and Tămâioasă Românească – to Nedeea White; Băbească Neagră and Fetească Neagră – to Nedeea Rose; Fetească Neagră, Negru de Drăgășani and Novac – to Nedeea Red. All these are a jovial synthesis of the places, customs and spirit of the people of the area – and so is the character of this local holiday whose name is proudly displayed on the label.


R o m a n i a n w i n e s i n t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l c o n c e r t

The real success story is built in the big competitions: the range named Domeniile VINARTE has aimed at bringing Romanian varieties into the great concert of global wine, combining local varieties with the international ones, already known to the public. Thus, the “voices” of the indigenous grapes can be heard in full resonance with the varieties of world renown, while also offering new, interesting, unique sensations.


E v e r y d a y a c c e s s i b l e p l e a s u r e

Not every day is a big celebration, but with a glass of good wine we can make a little celebration out of every meal. Castel Stârmina wines – nicely medium dry, aromatic and easy to drink, to encompass a universe of tastes as wide as possible – that’s exactly what it offers: the opportunity for small daily pleasures, the tasty ritual that crowns the day’s achievements.

S a t i s f a c t i o n i n e v e r y g l a s s

Castel Bolovanu

Dry or balanced medium dry, the wines in the Castel Bolovanu range offer consumers multiple opportunities – easily accessible in both taste and financial terms – to test with their own senses the skill of the oenologists and the flavour of the grapes responsibly cultivated in southern Romania by VINARTE. Representative of local varieties, places and climate, they bring satisfaction in every glass.