Justin urucu
Domeniile Vinarte
O e n o l o g i s t I u s t i n U r u c u , t h e k e e p e r o f V i n a r t e D N A

One of the “hidden in plain sight secrets” behind the continued quality of Vinarte wines is obviously the oenologist and the acquired experience he passes on to the team and to the delicious beverages in the bottles.
As a young graduate of a prestigious faculty in the sector and then as a PhD in the field, Iustin Urucu has brought since the beginning of Vinarte and until now the energy and enthusiasm of continuous learning and the thoroughness of the professional who knows that every detail is important.
A “man of the land of Oltenia”, Iustin Urucu has constantly managed Vinarte wines – always going back and forth between the two cellars at Stârmina and Bolovanu – with responsibility towards the technological criteria of a vocational profession and towards what in the world of wine is called “the local spirit”: authenticity, character, style. Year after year, it was he who technically steered the Vinarte team through the complexity of the challenges that natural conditions constantly bring to the path of success. He has secured and certified the “Vinarte signature” in all the wines bearing this renown.
Forever learning, perpetually connected to the local spirit as well as to the movement of ideas and international standards, Iustin Urucu is the keeper of Vinarte’s DNA, inherently linked to the reputation the company has created for itself. He has fully “invested” in Vinarte’s mission, built himself in a lifetime professional relationship with the land, grapes and wines here, with an ever-present awareness of a job well done.